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Showing posts from April, 2014

I got a feeling...

As I WORK to maintain my weight loss, there seem to be three things that keep me "on track." 1.  NUMBERS: I love data.  Heart Rate, Pace, Distance, Weight, BMI, Body Fat% - I track them all.  As my numbers improve I feel motivated to stay the course.  Numbers also help me during long workouts... 2.  How I look:  I think I look strong.  That makes me happy!  A piece of chocolate will not make me as happy as the new muscle that I found in my arm this week :-) 3.  How I feel:  This is a new one for me - and the point of todays post.  I have always been TERRIBLE about listening to my body during workouts.  I push too hard - I expect too much.  I have heart rate trained in the past, but this time is different.  I have been consistent and using my number 1 motivator, let the numbers guide me.  Today I didn't have to.  Today I felt my body telling me how much I could do, and I listened.  Let me tell you - it felt great!!  It made me feel...  happy, strong, amazing, awesome